Sunday, February 21, 2016

Coleman Defrauded by Cochran Firm

I spoke to Mr. Coleman, another Georgia victim of The Cochran Firm fraud, during a radio recording. Coleman relayed that Hezekiah Sistrunk, pictured above, and The Cochran Firm defrauded him after his infant was stabbed in her brain during her delivery. Coleman and I experienced much interference, as shown on the screen shot below. As the host, my number should have the asterisk beside it. As you can see, that is not the case. My phone number at (678)531-0262 is not even in view. Instead, hackers were our hosts at telephone number (713)481-6555, according to the records supplied by Hear the interview at >> Click the photo to see a larger view.

I requested that authorities would investigate this crime and prosecute the hackers who refuse to allow American legal consumers freedom of press and free speech to expose and oppose The Cochran Firm's lawyer fraud that targets African Americans with particularity. Coleman discusses a Southern doctor who is possibly a eugenicist and/or an alcoholic, his stillborn daughter, being defrauded by his lawyers at The Cochran Firm, his judge who was later disbarred, and a refusal by the Georgia Bar to censure The Cochran Firm.

According to Mr. Coleman, he and Tonya, the baby's mother, had two defendants: the hospital and the doctor. He said the lawyers settled his case against the hospital for $100k but paid the dead baby's parents only $4k each, ignoring the contract. The contract allowed the lawyers to keep up to 45 percent of monies recovered. 

Mr. Coleman feels that the lawyers deliberately botched his case against Dr. Bendell and recovered no damages at all from him. We experienced censorship from the beginning (notice the brief silence at the beginning). At the 34.00 area of the tape, I attempted to discuss The Cochran Firm's appeal before the 9th Circuit Court regarding the firm having been pronounced "not a law firm" by the United States District Court of Central California. From that point onward, the hackers attempted to distort our voices by inserting beeps and echoes. 

I sent this proof of censorship via email to the USDOJ at, as that agency is paid tax dollars to protect Americans' constitutional rights, including the First Amendment. Elitists consider that a very undesirable section of the Constitution. In fact, some legal professionals and government officials believe African Americans are exempt from constitutional protections altogether. That may be why The Cochran Firm frauds negatively impact African American legal consumers and are a closely guarded secret. Secrecy about the CoIntelPro law firm is enforced by hackers who are allowed to censor information about The Cochran Firm's many former clients, former lawyers and partners, and a partnering law firm who also sued the firm alleging fraud, racism, sex discrimination, and/or malpractice.

Condolences to Mr. Coleman and Tonya and at least three other Black families who Mr. Coleman said lost their children during deliveries by Dr. Bendell. Mr. Coleman and I will meet and interview on videos, which will be uploaded at YouTube at my MaryLovesJustice channel and published at other social media sites. Communications about The Cochran Firm frauds via telephone, Internet radio, and even U.S. Mail experience censorship.

Mary Neal,, (678)531-0262, The Cochran Firm Fraud 

1 comment:

  1. Hear the Coleman interview at
    Despite interference, you will hear much useful information. Thank you.


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